Make a Procrastination List!

Written by  //  October 27, 2014  //  Daily Juice  //  1 Comment

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Here’s another tip in the How-I-Make-Time series!

So the thing I have been fretting about

I read this this the other day on Allison (author, mother, clever-funny person) Tait’s Facebook Page and I laughed and laughed. Me TOO! Me TOO!  Gah! I have been known to waste a LOT of time fretting and thinking and putting off something that just needs to be done!

Here’s something that helps me when I’m procrastinating! It’s a procrastination list and it might help you TOO!

How to make a Procrastination List!

This is stupidly- simple but totally works!

1.Get a piece of paper and write “Procrastination List” as the title

2. Now write down ALL the things you’re procrastinating on!

Ha! Now doesn’t that feel GOOD?!

You can leave your Procrastination List as is, or for extra oomph try this too:

3. Add a column beside the list of all-the-things-you-are-procrastinating-on and write in that WHY you are procrastinating!

Isn’t it hilarious! What did you write?!

Me? Oh stuff like:“I don’t know where to start”, “I’m worried it won’t be good enough”, “I’m worried [x] will say ‘no’”…..

Silly huh?!

But it’s all good because if you’re like me, once you’ve written down your reasons for not doing something you’ll feel like such a noodle you’ll just get on and do it! Indeed!

Do you procrastinate? Do you think the Procrastination List would work for you?!


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