Get on top of your email, market in the off season, improve your Facebook page and get more done by relaxing

Written by  //  February 10, 2013  //  scrapbook  //  No comments

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Here’s this week’s collection of articles from around the traps. We pick articles which we think will help you make a healthy income, work a little more productively or just inspire you to ‘get on with it’! Enjoy x.


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How is your email inbox looking? Mine gets the occasional spring clean but mostly it’s a bit crowded. I’d rather it were empty so I’ve decided to keep it under control à lathis foolproof way from  Zen Habits. Who’s joining me?!

Do you have a seasonal business? If so take a look at this article. It’s got 8 really useful tips for how to do your marketing during the ‘off’ season. And if you don’t have a seasonal business? Well take a peek at the tips anyway – they’re good little reminders of stuff we can be doing!

While Facebook is great for marketing it can also be, er, a little mysterious. So this article with it’s 25 tips is a must read. Yes, 25 is not a small number of things to do  so my take on this is to pick just one or two to get done now and then a few more for a couple of months time.

Can a nanna nap really help you get more done in less time? This article explains the science behind renewing our energy and it seems that relaxing and having a nap is the way to do. Hurrah! On the quiet I’m a bit of a napper and I always feel better for it. But then again, thanks to my dear daughter, I’m up at 4:45am every day!

As far as real stories go this one’s got the lot. Nahji Chu arrived in Australia as a refugee and now runs a food business that has revenue of more than $20 million. In this article she tells it as it is! Takes 2 minutes to read but says so much.

Till next week


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