Lunch 39 Time’s running out. How to make the second six months of 2012 even better than the first

Written by  //  June 12, 2012  //  Daily Juice  //  No comments

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Time’s running out – how to get your business back on track for 2012
Hourglass, sandglass isolated on white background

In two weeks time we’ll be halfway through the year. Halfway! And where exactly did those six months go?

Every year it’s round about now that I have a little panic. I think of all
the stuff that I wanted to get done by the end of the year and all of a
sudden it feels like there is so much to do, and so very little time to
do it in.

To get me back on track I give me and my business a little pick me up. Here’s how I do it.

What to do

  1. Book
    yourself three hours out of your business, before 30 June to do some
    planning. This might sound extravagant but it’s not at all – it’s a
    fabulous investment of time.
  2. Dig
    out the notes you made at the beginning of the year of your goals for
    2012 (or think about what your intentions were if you didn’t get round
    to writing them down).
  3. Planning
    time works best for me if I go somewhere neutral to do it. Home/office
    is too distracting. I actually go to a library because the quiet makes
    me concentrate. Cafe’s are too fun for me.
  4. Kick
    off your planning time by looking at the original goals you set for
    2012. Be honest with yourself and ask how close you are to achieving
    them. Most of us set goals that are rather a stretch so don’t feel bad
    if it looks like you’re not even nearly halfway there.
  5. Jot
    down on a piece of paper up to 10 reasons why you haven’t got as far
    towards your goals as you had hoped. Lots of stuff gets in the way of
    our best laid plans, but it’s good to know what sort of stuff is veering
    us off course.
  6. Now think about all the things you have accomplished in the year so far. Pop an asterisk by the extra stuff that you’ve done that you didn’t set out to do.
  7. Look
    at your asterisked accomplishments and give them a tick if they were
    useful things to have done ……and a cross if they were disappointing
    distractions. How many ticks and crosses have you got?
  8. With all your answers to points 4, 5, 6 and 7 in front of you answer these questions:
    1. Were your 2012 goals realistic or did you bite off more than you could chew?
    2. Have unexpected circumstances (such as personal reasons) prevented you from making more progress?
    3. Have you changed your 2012 plans because other opportunities came up with were better?
    4. Have you got a little distracted? (Confession time: this happens to me)
    5. Are your 2012 goals still achievable?
  9. If
    you don’t think your original goals are do-able set some new ones for
    the rest of the year. If you are inclined to pop too much on your to -do
    list cut it down. It’s hard to take stuff off the list but being
    effective is about prioritising. If you changed tack during the year
    just set more relevant goals.
  10. If
    you got a little distracted in the first six months of this year, set
    little goals for each of the remaining six months. It’s much easier to
    keep focussed if you’re working towards  small near-term goals.
  11. Finally,
    if you really want to keep on track, find a business buddy. Catch up
    with your buddy once a month and tell them how you are progressing on
    your goals. This little bit of accountability is so easy to do, and
    works surprisingly well.



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