Five of the BEST from 2013!

Written by  //  December 16, 2013  //  scrapbook  //  No comments

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Here’s the first of two “Best of 2013” must reads from our Scrapbook!

1. Do you say ‘yes’ to too many things? Not sure how to say ‘no’ without offending? I LOVE these seven suggestions for when your mouth wants to say yes and your brain says no!

2. Here is the quirkiest tip to beat procrastination!

3. How is your email inbox looking? Mine gets the occasional spring clean but mostly it’s a bit crowded. I’d rather it were empty so I’ve decided to keep it under control à la this foolproof way from  Zen Habits!

4. Need an excuse for a nanna nap?! It’s here!  There’s a scientific reason to nap. Hurrah!

5. And you’ve gotta read this if something’s gone a bit pear-shaped this year.



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