Five Fab Articles

Written by  //  September 2, 2013  //  scrapbook  //  3 Comments

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Here we go! Lots of productivity tips and a dash of “stop stopping yourself”. ENJOY.


1. Here are four really fabulous tips for getting stuff done. I LOVE number two. Not because I play in work time but because I work in play time! It didn’t used to bother me but jeepers it does now. Does it bother you?!

2. Got too much to do?! Oh yes! Well here’s a good tip for getting the right stuff done….

3. But if you’re already a list person: are your lists running you?! Here’s a quick article if your lists need a reminder that you’re the boss!

4. Need more productivity tips? Here are a few golden oldies. I’ve spent today doing number one and I feel much better for it.

5. Enough of productivity! Do you sabotage your own ideas? Oh ME too! Here’s a great short video and a FAB new mantra. “Stop stopping yourself”.


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3 Comments on "Five Fab Articles"

  1. Vivian@MOUSH September 5, 2013 at 1:51 pm · Reply

    Re the article above in no. 1 – Close Facebook & Get Back to Work: 4 Tips To Increase Productivity – Wow, good to know I’m not the only freak out there who can tell you what I was doing on a given day in a given year! (love or feel the constant need to engage in daily journaling which takes a very quick few minutes a day, but seems to give me this wonderful feeling, personally!). Love the productivity tips and can actually vouch for a great number of them. Love the one on always updating and refreshing your calendar but avoiding over-organising which only leads to false productivity. Also love the one about honing all your attention on work in work time and avoiding the numerous distractions – this goes for any task, really, if one wants to do it properly and with quality. Distractions can just be filed away/noted down and looked at later.

  2. Julia Bickerstaff September 6, 2013 at 6:12 pm · Reply

    Journaling is FAB isn’t it?! xx

  3. Vivian@MOUSH September 12, 2013 at 11:29 pm · Reply

    Re the article in no.2 above – Use a Task List to Enhance Your Time Management Skills:
    I’ve always thought that being preoccupied with having control in life was a big bad curse cause it can be so painful sometimes. But, I’m starting to realize that, as this article states, having that sense of control in life actually makes one feel happy, satisfied and full of energy. And, that there can never be a bad curse! I guess, the time it does become a curse is when one loses sight of WHAT to try and have control over and what to just let go. This is when the whole part about setting goals and prioritizing tasks comes into the equation, as this helps you get perspective. On the time management front, recently I’ve managed to get through a personal task of mine which was getting bigger and bigger as I was avoiding and avoiding it for a long time, but I knew it was an important thing for me to get done so didn’t wanna write it off. So, what I did was simply to allocate a different time slot in the day to it than I initially had done (so, I moved it from a task to do before bedtime to a task I do first thing in the morning before starting my day) and it’s amazing how quickly I’m getting through it. Amazing! Just a small change like that! Oh and that other tip of yours, Julia, about being ok to just spend a very small amount of time on a task (eg.20mins) rather than thinking you have to allocate at least an hour to it is also what makes a huge difference.

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